Chick Weisse

Chick Weisse, DVM, DACVS

Chick Weisse, DVM, DACVS completed his small animal surgical residency training at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. He then pursued advanced training through a customized fellowship in Interventional Radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. He held dual appointments in surgery and radiology as an Assistant Professor at both the veterinary and human hospitals (UPenn) before coming to the Animal Medical Center in 2009 as a Senior Veterinarian and Head of the Interventional Radiology Service. Educational interests include expanding minimally invasive veterinary interventional radiology (IR) techniques through describing new procedures and training veterinarians. Research interests include IR techniques for non-resectable and metastatic cancers, palliative stenting for malignant obstructions, vascular anomalies such as portosystemic shunts, and stenting for tracheal collapse.

Board Certifications:
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons, 2003

BA – Boston University, Boston, MA, 1992
VMD – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1998

Postgraduate Training:
Internship in Small Animal Medicine – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1999
Residency in Surgery – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2002

Recent Publications:
Transatrial stenting for long-term management of cardiac tumor obstruction of the right atrium in 3 dogs. Weisse C, Scansen BA, Berent AC, Cober RE.J Vet Intern Med. 2020 Dec 18. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15999. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33338301

Retrospective study of proliferative urethritis in dogs: Clinical presentation and outcome using various treatment modalities in 11 dogs. Emanuel M, Berent AC, Weisse C, Donovan T, Lamb KE.J Vet Intern Med. 2020 Dec 14. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16007.

Bacterial infection before and after stent placement in dogs with tracheal collapse syndrome. Lesnikowski S, Weisse C, Berent A, Le Roux A, Tozier E.J Vet Intern Med. 2020 Mar;34(2):725-733. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15712. Epub 2020 Jan 24.PMID: 31977124

Outcome of SUB placement for the treatment of benign ureteral obstruction in dogs: nine dogs and 12 renal units (2013 to 2017). Milligan ML, Berent AC, Weisse CW, Lamb K, Toizer E. J Small Anim Pract. 2020 Jul;61(7):428-435. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13137. Epub 2020 Apr 30.PMID: 32352170

Use of percutaneous foam sclerotherapy with 1.5% sodium tetradecyl sulfate for treatment of a pelvic limb venous malformation in a dog. Chang S, Weisse C, Berent AC, Rosen RJ. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020 Jun 15;256(12):1368-1374. doi: 10.2460/javma.256.12.1368.PMID: 32459582

Weisse C, Berent A. Prospective evaluation of a one-stage esophageal balloon dilation feeding tube for benign esophageal strictures in dogs: Initial results, VES 2015.

Weisse C, Berent A. Prospective evaluation of a one-stage esophageal balloon dilation feeding tube for benign esophageal strictures in dogs: Initial results, ACVIM 2015 (POSTER).

Berent A, Weisse C, Schattner M, et al. Use of ERCP for the treatment of EHBDO in dogs and cats, VES 2015

Berent A, Weisse C, Schattner M, et al. Use of ERCP for the treatment of EHBDO in dogs and cats, ACVIM 2015 (POSTER)

Pavia P, Berent A, Weisse C, et al. Treatment of canine benign ureteral obstruction using ureteral stents, ACVIM 2015

Pavia P, Berent A, Weisse C, et al. Treatment of canine benign ureteral obstruction using ureteral stents, VES 2015

Weisse C. Veterinary interventional oncology: From concept to clinic. The Veterinary Journal 205(2): 198-203, 2015.

Wojick KB, Berent AC, Weisse C, et al. Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy and endoscopic ureteral stent placement in an Asian small-clawed otter with nephrolithiasis. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46(2): 345-349, 2015.

Berent A, Weisse C, Schattner M, et al. Initial experience with endoscopic retrograde biliary stenting for treatment of extrahepatic bile duct obstruction in dogs. Journal Am Vet Med Assoc 246(4): 436-446, 2015.

Kuntz J, Berent A, Weisse C., et al. Double pigtail ureteral stenting and renal pelvic lavage for renal-sparing treatment of obstructive pyonephrosis in dogs: 13 cases (2008 2012) J Am Vet Med Assoc 246(2): 216-225, 2015.

Steinhaus J, Berent AC, Weisse C, et al. Clinical presentation and outcome of cats with circumcaval ureters associated with a ureteral obstruction. JVIM. 2015; 29(1): 63 70.

Culp WT, Weisse C, Berent AC, et al. Early tumor response to IA or IV administration of carboplatin to treat naturally occurring lower urinary tract carcinoma in dogs. JVIM. 2015; 29(3): 900-907.

Veterinary Image-Guided Interventions, textbook (Co-editor) published by Wiley-Blackwell 2015.