Manuel Jiménez Peláez
Manuel Jiménez Peláez, LV, MRCVS, Dipl. ECVS
European Recognised Specialists in Small Animal Surgery
Founding Partner, Codirector and Head of Surgery
Aúna Especialidades Veterinarias Referral Hospital – IVC Evidensia (Valencia – Spain)
Manuel Jiménez Peláez was born in Malaga (Spain), graduated from the University of Córdoba (Spain) in 1999. He owns the European Recognised Specialist status in Small Animal Surgery being a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (Dipl. ECVS).
He spent 14 years training and working in France and in the United Kingdom. He did a surgical internship at the Vet School of Cordoba and then he moved to France to pursue his surgical training for 7 years. During that period, he performed 3 years of internships (1 general and 2 surgical at the École Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon) and a 3-years ECVS (European College of Veterinary Surgeons) residency program in surgery at the “Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis” in Paris).
In 2007 he moved to United Kingdom where he has been working as a senior clinician in surgery for the following 6 years in two referral institutions: 2 years at the “Animal Health Trust” and 4 years at “Davies Veterinary Specialists”.
Since July 2013 he is back in Spain working in Valencia. The first 18 months he worked as co-director and head of surgery of a referral practice in Valencia and since August 2015 he is one of the founding partners, codirector and head of surgery of the multi-disciplinary referral hospital AÚNA Especialidades Veterinarias – IVC Evidensia in Valencia, Spain.
He is a regular contributor to Continued Professional Development (CPD) in several countries. He has published a number of original articles in national and international reviews and books chapters. He is also reviewer for several national and international journals.
He is one of the reviewers of several national and international journals such as Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary Record, JAVMA (Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association), Veterinary Medicine Austria, JFMS (Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery), JSAP (Journal of Small Animal Practice) and the Canadian Veterinary Journal.
His areas of greatest interest are minimally invasive surgery, surgical oncology, cardio-thoracic, vascular, hepatic, maxillofacial, reconstructive, and respiratory surgery including brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, and also complex traumatology and spinal surgery cases.