Timothy C. McCarthy
Timothy C. McCarthy, DVM, PhD, DACVS ACVS
Founding Fellow, Minimally Invasive Surgery (Small Animal Soft Tissue and Orthopedics) Veterinary Minimally Invasive Surgery Training (VETMIST) Timothy C McCarthy DVM PhD DEACVS ACVSFFMISSAST ACVSFFMISSAO Veterinary Minimally Invasive Surgery Training (VetMIST).
I am a suicide survivor. Twice in my life I have been at the abys. Both times I did not believe that I could get out of the hole that I was in and that the only way to end my pain was to end my life.
I have been a Veterinarian for 52 years, graduating from Colorado State University in 1969. Fifty two years! This has been an incredible journey! Beyond my wildest dreams. I never thought that I would have done the things that I have done. I never dreamed that I would write three books, that one would be translated into Russian or that I would be invited to Russia to launch its sale, and that I would teach Russian Veterinarians. I never dreamed that I would travel to teach in fourteen countries and 23 states.
Soon after graduation I realized that I wanted to be a surgeon and returned to CSU for a PhD in Surgery and became a diplomate of ACVS. Somewhere along the line I stumbled into endoscopy and developed this area as the focus of my practice. My favorite endeavor is traveling to practices to teach diagnostic endoscopy, interventional endoscopy, minimally invasive surgery, and arthroscopy on clinical cases.
At the other end of the spectrum I have been depressed, emotionally lost, and suicidal. I have survived these challenges and am much healthier emotionally and mentally. I have done this by doing my homework to explore my deficiencies and learning how to react differently to the stressors around me. I have done this by embracing therapy with multiple Psychologists off and on over a 30-year period. I hope that I can help someone change direction to a better life.